
Sail Your Way

Valovi so naša scena, jadranje je naša strast.


Naša ponudba



Kjer skupaj zgradimo mostove med sodelavci, ki se ne pretrgajo niti v najzahtevnejših situacijah.

Zakaj vaš naslednji teambuilding na morju?
Ker smo prepričani, da se najboljše ideje rodijo ob valovih, medtem ko veter prinese sveže misli.

Začutite val energije, dihajte s polnimi pljuči in se prepustite izkušnji, ki bo okrepila vašo ekipo.

Uspehi so slajši, ko jih delimo skupaj.


Kjer se svet jadranj, zdravega življenja in zabave združijo!

Zakaj bi izbrali FitWeek?
Ker verjamemo, da je vsak teden priložnost za novo poglavje, polno energije, smeha in zdrave zabave.

Športne aktivnosti bodo vaše telo pognale v akcijo, medtem ko bomo z vrhunsko prehrano poskrbeli, da boste vsak trenutek uživali v okusnih in hranljivih obrokih.

Začuti energijo morja, zadihaj svež morski zrak in se prepusti FitWeek doživetju



…s pripravo na izpit za voditelja čolna.
Kjer svoja teoretična znanja jadranja preizkusiš tudi na plovilu.

Zakaj se udeležiti praktičnega tečaja jadranja
Bi rad svoja teoretična znanja jadranja poglobil na praktični ravni. Pridruži se Sail your way ekipi in se nauči jadrati z nami. Tečaj zajema vse od izplutja barke in njenega vezanja, do motoroznanstva, uporabe sile vetra in še več. Pričakuj tudi veliko zabave, saj brez tega pri nas ne gre.

FitWeek ekipa

Spoznaj nas


He started sailing when he was 6 years old and that’s when he found his love for the sea and wind. After 10 years of competitive sailing and windsurfing, he started working as a skipper and found his joy in making his guests onboard happy and entertained while sharing his passion for sailing.


Since he has started discovering the coast of the French Riviera and has sailed around Western Italy and Greece. He soon realized that he wanted to share this sailing experience with others and that is how Sail Your Way was born.


His love for sailing goes beyond the boardroom, reflecting a deep-rooted connection to the waves and a keen understanding of the synergy between business acumen and the vast, unpredictable beauty of the open sea.


Her love for an active life, travel and organization brought her to the FitWeek team. She helps the team in project organization and sales. Making sure that everything goes according to plan is her main focus and also helps us find partners that will create new memories with us.


A big fan of the sea and sailing since she was little. A sporty type of person by nature, involved in sailing competitively. Her path lead her to the waters of kitesurfing and foiling. Student of kinesiology, deepening her sports knowledge. With SYW and FitWeek, she can share her joys with others.


Her love for an active life, travel and organization brought her to the FitWeek team. She helps the team in project organization and sales. Making sure that everything goes according to plan is her main focus and also helps us find partners that will create new memories with us.


A big fan of the sea and sailing since she was little. A sporty type of person by nature, involved in sailing competitively. Her path lead her to the waters of kitesurfing and foiling. Student of kinesiology, deepening her sports knowledge. With SYW and FitWeek, she can share her joys with others.


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